Monday, May 24, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

Dave continues to amaze me. He just ran the Ogden Marathon and did fabulously! He was a little sore after but other than that he accomplished an amazing goal and made us all so proud to call Dad. Matthew also ran a Kid's K which he loved and did well at. I think he has running in his gene's too.
I kid you not there were around 500 kids that ran this kid's K. Thank goodness he did not wear his green shirt so I could tell where he was.
My darling sister and Mom came to support Dave as he crossed the finish line. What inspiration it is to see all those people coming in. My sweet family all met at my mom's home afterward for a congratulatory lunch in Dave's honor. After all this is a HUGE accomplishment. (Lexie was at a YW pre-camp overnighter so she was not with us)


Davis and Carter's Mommy said...

Congrats Dave! No wonder he is looking so thin, way to go!

Karie Coats said...

Thats awesome! Congratulations Dave! Soooooo, what was the time???